March 23, 2006 11:16pm aboard a flight to Los Angeles from Taipei
It’s been quite some time since I’ve written a journal and I know it’s long overdue. Not just for the website but also for myself as I haven’t put my thoughts and feelings in writing for a while. I know many of you have written in wondering where I’ve been and why I been amiss. One of the obvious reasons for my absence is because I’ve been busy with work and life but, also, because I simply haven’t had the motivation to write these past few months. I guess it’s seclusion in some form.
We’re already almost four months into the New Year and time has certainly flown by. I still can remember the Taipei concert earlier in January, which was simply a blast and probably one of the best concerts I’ve ever played since I started in this business. The Taipei show was such an enjoyable and marvelous experience for me (and probably for many others in the production and band) mainly because everything just felt right. No show or performance is ever perfect in a technical sense but sometimes the chemistry and vibe on stage and in the arena just feels good which makes for a great show. The audience in Taipei, I must say, is probably one of the best I’ve seen so far as they are both generous and powerful in the expression of their emotions and love. That energy coming from the audience is the most important element in making a show successful and meaningful. And, during those two nights in Taipei, the band and myself certainly felt “connected” with the wonderful audience. Thanks, Taipei, you Rock!
The “Love Can” tour has been ongoing and our next stop is HK, as many of you know. I’m excited about that show as I haven’t been there for almost two and a half years and can’t wait to see all my friends and supporters there. Amidst the concerts and performances, I’m also gearing up for a new album, which I’m deep in the throes of production of. It’s going to be a gentler, warmer album but that doesn’t mean the songs and messages within are free from struggles or emotions. On the contrary, I think these past few months have been very emotional and challenging for me as both work and personal life have presented many changes and obstacles. Like previous albums, this one will reflect on my life as a diary does for some. I’m excited about this album as it moves in a different direction and also allows me to write and express myself in a different way. I know some have thought my previous two albums were darker, heavier and message laden, however, when you look at the scope of somebody’s work everything balances out with one making up for another.
The next few months will be extremely hectic and challenging for me as I will be on tour as well as working on the album simultaneously. I’m trying to get the album completed in time for this summer so I only have a few more months. Where am I in the production process? Well, you can say that I’m still finishing up songwriting but at the same time the other parts of the production have already begun. I’ve never had to produce an album during a concert tour while attending events and shooting commercials so this is certainly a challenge. However, it is a welcome challenge as I feel the momentum building and I can’t wait for you to hear the new album once it’s completed. You may have already heard a couple songs here and there for commercials I’ve written, however, the bulk of the album is yet to come. This album will be something different from the previous.
I will stop here as I’ve more songs to write and work to do but I promise I will not disappear for long. As for lacking the motivation to write journals, sometimes I simply have this need to “runaway” and just be alone and not have to face the world. I’m sure you all have those moments as well every now and then. I simply want to just live a simple life and absorb the little details without having to share or divulge them.
I hope you are all well and have had a productive and meaningful first quarter of the year. I shall see some of you soon, I’m sure, at the HK show and for those of you who I won’t see in a while I hope to” connect” with you in the summer with the new album. I’m also planning a US/Canada tour towards the end of 2006 so for those of you in those regions, stay tuned!
God bless
DT in LA
2006年3月23日,晚間11點16分,搭上台北 ﹣洛城的班機
接下來的這幾個月將是非常緊湊而充滿挑戰的,因為我將一邊進行巡迴演唱會,一邊同時製作新專輯。我希望準時完成新專輯,讓它可以在夏天發行,所以我只剩下幾個月的時間。我現在進行到哪個階段呢?好吧,你可以說我還在寫歌,但是很多其他的製作工作也同時開動了。我從來沒有在製作專輯的同時,還要進行巡迴演唱會、活動出席與廣告拍攝,所以這絕對是個大挑戰。然而,我樂於接受這個挑戰, 因為我能感覺這一切在啟動。我希望新專輯完成的時候,就可以讓你們趕快聽到。你們或多或少可能聽到一些我寫的廣告歌,但是專輯的大部分作品仍未曝光。這張專輯跟前幾張專輯是會不太一樣的。
我得就此停筆了,因為我還有很多歌要寫,也有其他的工作要完成,但我答應你們我不會消失太久的。就像缺乏寫日記的靈感一樣,有時候我就是需要 “Runaway”,只有自己一個人,不想面對這個世界。我相信你們有時候也會想要這樣。我只是想要深入簡出地過活, 一個人窩在我的小世界裡。
- Apr 01 Sat 2006 02:19